Eight.Bit Commando エイト ビット コマンド is an Artistic Name for my Musical project that involves the A.M.T. : Arcade Music Tribute – 80s and 90s VGM Remixes as well as my own musical creations that are a unique mix of Retro 80s Synth, various electronic sounds, old school vibes and heavy guitar riffing & solos.
Eight Bit Commando “Blaster Beats” project was born in early 2012 where I started experimenting with some new beats and sounds. There were several songs and demos made, but none ever released as in 2014 I switched my focus to A.M.T. – Arcade Music Tribute project.
In late 2022 I have revisited my tracks and started working again. New music is in production as I write this in 2023.